Monday, April 25, 2016

Utah Fashion Week 2016

We are just barely getting around to blogging about our time at Utah Fashion Week
UFW is a pretty big deal here in Utah, and Tayler debuted her first gown collection, The Dreams Collection, in the up-and-coming runway show! It was amazing! Her designs were incredible and she got sooo many incredible compliments. She's going places, people!
UFW hosted a kick-off cocktail party before any of the runway shows, and Tayler was asked to bring one model in one of her dresses (which ended up being the most adored by far!), and she let me be her plus-one. Tayler did all of our makeup for the party, I did all of our hair, and Tayler's gown was her original (and D's, obviously!).

Cheeseburgers on the way, because cheeseburgers

Fancy bar

No one else was taking pictures or dancing to the awesome DJ! 

Baby's first cocktail party

Seriously, people could not stop fawning over this. And I quite agree!

Tayler with Janay Robison, founder of UFW, designer, and all around amazing human


Fashion show day was long and so rewarding. Tayler was calm and composed, and she brought me along to manage her team and do all the models' hair. We had a few minutes for the models to practice their walk on the actual runway, and spent the rest of the day getting glam. These girls were AMAZING! They looked so good and represented Tayler's looks so well.

I poked through the back curtain to take sneaky pictures haha!!


I don't know why these videos are such low quality! Sorry!

Baby's first runway show

Models obviously must do some blue steel

Tayler, I'm so proud of you!! This was such a big deal and I can't wait to see how far you take this dream!!
