Friday, October 9, 2015

Fall Favorites 2015

Fall is my ABSOLUTE favorite time of year! I love the leaves, the clothes and AALLLL the pumpkin flavored things! There's just something about the crunchy leaves and crisp smelling air that touches my soul! I wish I could live in a land where it's Fall forever.
So for my first Sweet September post, I decided to share some of my Fall favorites!
 What are YOUR favorites for Fall?

Fall Favorites

1. My favorite part of Fall is the pretty leaves and the crisp air.
2. Favorite colors: (for clothes, nails, basically everything!) Burgundy, beige, olive, slate and plum
3. Fall books: The Night Circus and the All Souls Trilogy
4. Lipstick: Any from the Maybelline Matte Nudes collection-especially "Touch of Spice"
5. Fall Movie: Hocus Pocus OF COURSE
6. Candles: Salted Caramel, Golden Cinnamon and Warm Cinnamon Pumpkin
7. Favorite treats: salted caramel hot cocoa from Starbucks, caramel popcorn, pumpkin spice oreos and it wouldn't feel like fall without candy corn!

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